So you know how much I love biking?  Well today was perhaps the one exception.  My mom and I were meeting my cousin and her boyfriend out in Delta (like an hour away) for some go-karting, and since that only lasts about 15min, we wanted something else to do.  I had the hair-brained (or is it hare-brained??) idea that we ought to bike down to Point Roberts.  Point Roberts is a little piece of America surrounded entirely by water or Canada - so yes, after our go-karting adventure (which was awesome!!!!) we planned to venture down there.  And by planning I really mean we agreed to do it with no planning whatsoever, which may have been the problem.  

Things got off on the wrong foot when my mom 'realized' she left the bike book at home, and we had to use google maps to try to figure out where to start, where to park, all those details - we both were getting frustrated... so we parked in a random residential area and went from there.... and discovered this whole time the darn book was in her bag... had to laugh.   So we got ourselves on track.  This is where I should tell you that this book was written in 1973... that's really old for a guide-book.  

After following one road for miles, it suddenly ended, well sort of ended... it gave us the option of crossing a murky, garbage filled ditch on a log someone kindly laid across.  Mom was a little hesitant (and perhaps logical), but I was sure we could carry the bikes across and carry-on... so we did.  This new route led us to the train tracks - we again had no choice to follow this oil-soaked road along the tracks until we found a place where it wasn't illegal to cross.  This was one instance I really wished I had fenders on my bike!! I was covered in oily grime within minutes.  Still have marks on my legs that just won't come off.  Anyway I was still cheery and enjoying the adventure at this point, and really enjoyed the whole ride to the race track.  It was after that point that things went really downhill.   

Well really, I started to get hungry... and every dead end we ran into (which was often - seriously out of date book!!) made me get irrationally angry.  At one point I hear my mom chuckling behind me... apparently she finds it quite humourous how my normally cheery and positive attitude (I think my positive spin on everything annoys her) disappears quickly as my hunger grows.  Sorry mom!  My mom had told me that we would find beautiful beaches lined with fish and chips shops... not true!  It took us forever to find a place to eat.  Once we did, my mood improved drastically and despite more wrong turns (the books fault, I swear!!), we finally made it back to our car.  

Just one random fact about Point Roberts (also affectionately called Point Bob - that doesn't count) - in 1973, a drought hit the area causing tensions between the American and Canadian residents of Point Roberts.  If Delta did not agree to provide the residents with water, the Americans threatened to cut off the Canadians water supply and apparently even hung up signs saying "Canadians go home."   Delta complied and in 1986 this arrangement became permanent.  

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